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The Events Ingest API provides an interface for on-premise MTA users to quickly, easily, and safely take advantage of SparkPost's cloud-specific services. The Events Ingest API accepts email event data, normalizes it, and sends it through SparkPost's data pipeline until it is ultimately consumable by various analytical services.

Event Format

Events sent to the Ingest API must adhere to a specific format in order to be correctly processed by SparkPost. Only certain aspects of incoming API requests are validated during the REST transaction. Requests that do not pass validation at this point are rejected and a HTTP error code will be returned. The body of the request must contain gzip-encoded, new-line-delimited JSON along with the appropriate headers. The size of the request is limited to 5 MB and the age of events must be less than 24 hours.

Additional validation occurs out of band of the request. This additional validation ensures that events specified as part of the request body are properly formatted and consumable by SparkPost analytical services. Events that are not proper JSON, lack the correct wrapper, or are missing required fields will be dropped. Please see Processing Out of Band Errors for additional information.

Processing Out of Band Errors

Every uploaded batch of events can be tracked via the id returned from the API after a successful POST. This batch ID can be used in conjunction with the Events API to view the outcome of SparkPost's pre-processing.

Note: the ingested email events may still take a few moments before they are viewable

For more on viewing ingested status events, see the events documentation


Additional Ingest Notes:

For GETs, If using cURL, make sure the flags -O & -J are used. The -O flag will allow the file to be saved to the current location. The -J indicates to cURL to grab the file as a gzip.


POST /api/v1/ingest/events


  "results": {
    "id": "b2013586-c13f-4da4-baf4-11b9d8e40c50"

Send Ingest Events


Post a new-line delimited list of JSON events.

Required Headers



{"msys":{"message_event":{"msg_batchname":"1A/50-00001-B03B45C5","template_version":"0","msg_spoolname":"2A/50-00001-B03B45C5","msg_size":"315","bounce_class":"25","template_id":"template_12994410358768097","rcpt_tags":[ ],"recv_method":"rest","binding_group":"default","routing_domain":"","binding":"default","rcpt_to":"","open_tracking":"1","msg_from":"","type":"inband","raw_reason":"551 5.7.0 [internal] recipient blackholed","conn_name":"00/00-00000-00000000","rcpt_meta":{ },"error_code":"551","message_id":"00000bb3545c0100a205","conn_stage":"22","reason":"551 5.7.0 [internal] recipient blackholed","node_name":"8c9f45e70999","queue_time":"2","click_tracking":"1","num_retries":"0","event_id":"12994410358769058","subject":"Summer deals are here!","timestamp":"1549054731","snippet_count":"0","transmission_id":"12994410358768097"}}}
{"msys":{"message_event":{"template_id":"template_12994410358768098","open_tracking":"1","msg_spoolname":"5A/50-00001-B03B45C5","binding_group":"default","message_id":"00000bb3545c0100a505","msg_size":"315","timestamp":"1549054731","template_version":"0","subject":"Summer deals are here!","pathway_group":"default","rcpt_meta":{ },"snippet_count":"0","pathway":"default","msg_batchname":"4A/50-00001-B03B45C5","event_id":"12994410358769060","click_tracking":"1","conn_stage":"22","type":"reception","conn_name":"00/00-00000-00000000","node_name":"8c9f45e70999","transmission_id":"12994410358768098","rcpt_tags":[ ],"recv_method":"rest","rcpt_to":"","msg_from":"","routing_domain":"","binding":"default"}}}

Request Body

msys object required

The event wrapper


GET /api/v1/ingest/events/e038e809-1308-461c-83b7-fa73c9f50500


  Saved to filename "b2013586-c13f-4da4-baf4-11b9d8e40c50".gz

Get Ingest Batch



id number required

Ingest batch ID.

Downloads a gzip file of the ingest batch events. The binary of the gzip will be displayed in the response body.


GET /api/v1/ingest/events/failures/e038e809-1308-461c-83b7-fa73c9f50500


  Saved to filename "b2013586-c13f-4da4-baf4-11b9d8e40c50".gz

Get Failure Ingest Batch



id number required

Ingest batch ID.

Downloads a gzip file of the ingest batch with failures. The binary of the gzip will be displayed in the response body.


These endpoints are used to generate the samples and descriptions for the Send Events section.

Additional Event Notes:

  • For Sending IP related reporting, processing will fallback to the binding field if the sending_ip field is not present.


GET /api/v1/ingest/events/documentation


  "results": [
      "type": {
        "description": "Type of event this record describes",
        "sampleValue": "delivery",
        "required": true,
        "reporting": true

Ingest Events Documentation


Returns a list of descriptions of the event fields that could be included in a POST to the ingest events API. Fields will vary by event type. Event fields including "required": true must be present in the event and fields including "reporting": true are recommended as they are used to drive various reporting services.


GET /api/v1/ingest/events/samples?events=delivery


  "results": [
      "type": "delivery",

Ingest Events Samples



events string

Event types for which to get a sample payload. Defaults to all event types. See Events Types for the list of available event types.

Returns an example message event for each event type listed in the events parameter.